Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

We're Married

Well it's kinda obvious that we are married now! We are slowly but surely getting settled in to our new house and getting things unboxed and finding a place for them! Galen poured our sidewalk for us last weekend! It looks great! We also had our hometown reception last weekend too. It was great to see everybody and thank you to everyone who helped! One of our friends we met in Ireland, Phoebe, flew all the way from New York to come see us! It was great seeing her again! Galen has been our "remodeler" and he got a job at the Fort Smith public schools as their maintenance man so on his days off he has been coming over here and helping finish things up. We still have to get our storm doors put up, landscaping done, build a privacy fence, light on the front porch and they are going to install another cabinet unit in the kitchen on the other side of our fridge! I am still driving to Bentonville twice a week for class and I am still working in Fayetteville. After the semester is over, I will quit my job and be done with all that driving! I would like to give a shout out to our groomsman,  Jourdan, today his birthday! Happy Birthday Jourdan!

Monday, March 7, 2011

12 days left!~

Well it's been a while since I posted, since I don't have internet anymore. Things are crazy right now. I had another shower this weekend in Fayetteville thanks to Kim! It was a blast, we had a lot of fun. I also want to thank Larry and David for coming up Sunday morning with a Uhaul and moving me about 90% into the house. It is starting to look really good, but there are a lot of boxes around! We went and got our marriage license last week in Texas and met the preacher. He helped us map out the wedding too. David also got to eat at the place of the rehearsal dinner and see the hotel too. David is still doing really well with his new job and is still liking it a lot too! I paid my parking ticket that I got last week this morning and I have class until 3 and work until 7 then I am going to meet Brandon and Pamela Reynolds for dinner. This Thursday I am meeting LouAnn in Durant, OK to get Lacy and bring her back up here for the bachelorette party! I still have a lot of wedding stuff to do as well like the wedding music, figure out my hair style, get the place cards printed, get the travel guides printed and mailed, get the final numbers to the chair/linen rental lady and go over every single detail with the event coordinator at the hotel. I want to thank everyone who has been a part of this wedding planning process and those who have hosted showers, those who have come to the showers, and a big thanks to Aunt Naomi for the opporunity to live in her old house. Everything really means a lot to us. We have such wonderful friends and family!
Our kitchen as we are in the process of moving in

Saturday, February 26, 2011

21 days left!

Well just 21 days until the wedding! I had a wonderful wedding shower last weekend! I want to thank everyone who came and Lyndi and Lori who hosted and Aunt Naomi for letting us use her home for the shower! It was a beautiful shower!! David and I are driving to Texas tomorrow morning to go get our marriage license (on Monday), meet the pastor and let him see the hotel we will be getting married at. I had a wonderful birthday too, thank you all for the birthday wishes! David even drove up to Fayetteville to see me on my birthday!
He is doing really well at his new job and he has already sold two cars so far! He is primarily a salesman but has a couple of other jobs like putting the inventory on to the website so the customers can see images of the cars online too. I was supposed to go get my hair done by a family friend after my shower last weekend but she forgot about our appointment (since her shop is closed on Saturdays normally) and we are going to reschedule. She also said that if she could make it work, she would like to come to Texas for the wedding and do my hair for me! We have also decided to move in to Aunt Naomi's house (that she used to live in with Uncle Charles then turned it into a rent house after she moved) that she has been remodeling for over a year now! Her and Galen are still doing remodeling work on the outside but she told us we could go ahead and move in so we would have a place when we get back from our wedding. We are very blessed to have her in the family and give us that offer! We love you Aunt Naomi!! In the mean time we have been doing some shopping for a fridge, washer/dryer and lawn mower too! I am still in the process of packing things up so please continue to save your boxes for me if you can!! I hope you all have a great weekend!!
Handmade Quilt from Margie Harris

Wedding Shower Cupcakes

The living room area of our house!

Friday, February 18, 2011

29 Days until the wedding

Well the deadline for RSVP's have passed but several have still not RSVP'd. I can take any late RSVP's until the last day of February but after that the menu order's for the reception cannot change.
David is doing really well at his first week of work. He almost sold a car Wednesday! He got all of our travel information this week from the resort that included 2 flip flop luggage tags, our flight vouchers and the information we give to the resort when we get there!
I was carrying a bunch of boxes from car to my apartment yesterday when two mormons stopped to help me. They gave me their phone number and told me to call them when I get ready to move and they would be glad to help. I think once they realize how much stuff I have to move that "glad" part might just change!
My mom finally found a dress to wear to the wedding that she likes at the Dress Barn.
David is off work on Monday the 28th so I think we are going to go to Texas that weekend and get our marriage license! While we are there we will meet the pastor too.
My mom paid for the cake this week too so we have the cake paid for as well as the photographer, and the venue. Now we just have to pay for the reception dinner and the linen rentals.

I hope you all have a great weekend and I hope to see you at the shower!!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

30 days left!

Well mom and I were getting concerned cause we made the entire payment for the photographer a couple weeks ago but it had never gone through. I called the photography company Monday and she said that they were in the process of switching "owners" or something. But fortunately we got an email today saying they had received our payment! So we have now officially paid for the photography.
I would like to ask that any of you save any boxes that would be ideal for me to move with or any packing supplies (bubble wrap, newspapers, etc) that can help package my glass plates, cups, etc. I looked at my schedule today and I need to be about 95% moved by March 12 at the absolute latest. The week before the wedding is going to crazy for me. Monday I am busy from 8am-7pm with work/class, Tuesday I have a chemistry test Wednesday I am busy from 8am-7pm with work/class,  Wednesday I have an anatomy test and Thursday Asa and I are flying to TX. My lease ends March 28 but we don't fly back to Dallas from Jamaica until March 25 so it would probably be the 27 before I could be back up to Fayetteville so I def need to get most everything moved by that date. The only thing is that I am booked literally every single weekend from now until April 2nd except for next weekend 2/26. Which I will probably try to go to Fort Smith to see my family for my bday weekend.
So far David is liking his job but I think it's tiring on him at first. It's a lot of info for him all at once but he is picking it all up pretty fast.
Asa is spending the night with me Friday night and we are going to pack a little and then go to Fort Smith Saturday morning for my wedding shower at Aunt Naomi's. If there is anyone that didn't get an invitation and would like to come, you are welcome to.
I would like to give a shout out to a couple of friends! Today is my bridesmaids, Lillie's birthday! Happy Birthday Lils! I would also like to congratulate our mutual friend that we met in Ireland, Kim, on her acceptance to two different PhD programs (sociology). One in MO that is offering her a fellowship and OU which offering her a full ride. Congrats Kim!

Enjoy your evening while I get back to studying Chemistry!!! Love you all!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day everyone! This is our first Valentines Day we have not been able to spend with each other. We never bother much to go out cause the restaurants are always so crowded. I got off work and was given instructions by David to be at my apartment around 7pm. There was a knock on my door and sure enough, he ordered me a heart shaped pizza and cinnamon sticks like we always do!

I signed my intent to vacate form last week and will officially be out of my apartment by March 28. My first wedding shower is this weekend too! I am getting excited! 

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day and have a good rest of the week!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Come Thou Fount

I loved the last song that I sent to you...but the Scriptures in this video will touch your heart... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG5ZhFN1DXk

This One Goes Out To You!

Our marriage counselor has reminded us that as we prepare for the big day and as us women "dream of that big day" our whole lives we often forget that we are preparing for marriage and not just that "one day"... our marriage counselor, Matt Stewart (of CrossChurch in Springdale) has been such a blessing to us. He has taught us so much about how our marriage is based on God rather than a 50/50 business deal "you do this, and I will do this" relationship. So as we prepare for the final details of this day I have dreamed as since I was a kid... let's remember God's role in our marriage and bring him as the center and ask Him to bless us and all of those around us. I want to thank all of my family and friends who have been such a great and supportive role in this engagement process and as the end is near I know now I could have never made it without your support. But most of all as we have learned to include God in our marriage as first, our spouse as second, our spouses feelings as third, and everything else will follow including fiances, the specific number of children we want, the house we have dreamed of (which may eventually become more realistic rather than materialistic) etc. I want to leave you all with a link to a song that is very special to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwZ_oFCqfG0

Have a wonderful week, may God bless until we meet again.

Friday, February 11, 2011


I know this is not wedding news but I want to take a moment to dedicate some love and comfort to Kara. She is my bridesmaid in Texas for those of you who are not familiar. Today it has been three years... the birthday of Tyler...the baby she lost at 18 weeks. She suffered such a loss but she has since then had another baby, Gunner. She is so blessed with a peace I could not imagine having when dealing with that kind of loss. I look up to her so much and she is so strong to carry on like she has and to not fall into the ways of our world and "blame God." she has taken her painful experience and grown closer to God and not turned against Him I am so proud of her and respect her so much for that. I love you so much Kara and Tyler... I'm so sorry for your loss. It hurts me so bad that you ever had to deal with that kind of pain. I hope this day was not too hard on you. I love you very much and you have many people praying that you have peace upon you today. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

Happy Birthday Tyler: Jeramiah 1:5 ""Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart for my holy purpose. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

42 days left!

We have received two wedding gifts this past week. Our groomsman, Michael May gave us a clock that his grandfather hand crafted for us. A lady from church also mailed us a card and a cash gift. We are very grateful for both. We only have one session left of our marriage counseling, we are kinda sad about it. We have both really enjoyed it. Our last session will be Tuesday. Because of the weather, David has not yet been able to move to Fort Smith yet but he will probably after our last session if the weather does not get any worse (but according to the weather man today, it is supposed to). His truck handles the ice really well in town but I would be afraid for him to make it all the way to Fort Smith with all the hills, curves, and bridges without a constant guardrail on those curves and all the semi's on that road too. I'm not sure how the interstate looks honestly but the roads up here are mostly ice and and slush. There are only a couple roads that ever got completely cleared. I did manage to fall down the bottom flight of stairs Monday because of the ice...luckily the worst thing was just a bunch of bruises and no broken bones so I'm doing alright. I am going to fill out my intent to vacate my apartment form this week and I will be moving out at the latest March 28 but I may move right before the wedding since we don't get back from our honeymoon until March 25 but it will probably be the 26 before I could get back up to Fayeteville and that would only leave me two days to pack and I would still have to go to class and work on those days too. I'm not entirely sure about all that though we will probably just play it by ear.  There are still quite a few people who have not RSVP'd, dont forget you can do it online by clicking this link:  http://www.mywedding.com/apps/public/mysite/rsvp.php?s=kaladavid Well I hope you all stay safe in this crazy weather and stay warm too!